Everyone loves nights with their friends, with life being so busy at times it can be hard to be able to get creative to plan something fun especially on a work night. I invited a couple friends over to hang out on a Friday night, right after work. Knowing what a busy Friday i had a head i decided to make turkey chili in a slow cooker, something healthy, yummy and simple to make when you are working. Whether you are working from home or if you have to go into the office. That is the great thing about having a slow cooker you put everything in the pot set the timer and then how every many hours to set it to cook to till will be done.
Below is my Turkey Chili recipe, but I will admit sometimes i will add extra spices in depending on who i am making the chili for depending on their spice tolerance level of course. I wanted to make everything look really pretty when my friends make over so i also did some decorating for Christmas to add to the fun night ahead. Who does not love some great Christmas decorations this year more so then ever i think everyone wants to feel the Christmas cheer a little early.

Meat 1 lb 90% lean ground Turkey, lean
1 tbsp Garlic powder
1 Can Kidney beans, red
1 Can Black beans
½ a can of Salsa
1 Yellow onion, medium
1 (8 oz.) can Tomato sauce
1 TO 2 Cans of V8
Baking & Spices
1/2 tsp Black pepper, ground
2 tbsp Chili powder
1 ½ tsp Garlic Powder
1 1/2 tsp Salt
Oils & Vinegars
1 tbsp Olive oil
Nuts & Seeds
2 tbsp Cumin, ground
Add the olive oil in a pan let it heat up a little then and in the chopped yellow onion and ground turkey and break it apart with a fork and then cook until the turkey has brown enough to put into the slow cooker. Once you have completed this step and in all of your other ingredients.

Since more then likely everyone likes their chili a little different what i decided to do was add some possible toppings to the side in little containers so each person could make it however they wanted. Everyone got a kick out of this little added touch and everyone loved the chance to make the chili their own way. This is also helpful if you have anyone who may have an allergy no possibility of cross contamination.

Of course you cant end a good girls night without a little treat, and in the winter what goes better then a nice cup of hot chocolate with some whip cream to top it off with. Perfect simple and fun girls night event that will allow for a lot of laughs and memories with your friends. As long as you do not mind doing a little prep work ahead of time this will be a stress free after work type of night.