I’ve been dreaming of a new and modern looking kitchen for years but it’s just never been in the budget. My kitchen is so outdated, something that looked like it was from the 70’s which may have been the last time someone may have actually done any type of improvement on it.

We all know countertops and backsplash can be very pricey. Then you have to factor in hiring someone if you are like me who isn’t able to install it myself it would probably cost me a lot of money. In times like this sometimes you just need to think outside of the box which is when google and amazon comes in handy. Instead of completely replacing countertops a quick and cost effective solution is a product that you can just place over the existing countertop.

There are two ways you can do this there is an actual counter top peel and stick product. The one I originally purchased was a roll and you can just cut it to the length and stick it on the counter. However thankful i figured out before i cut the product how messy and tricky this could be, it also is not the best quality product either. If you did not lay it on just correctly there would be bubbles and it could be easy to make a nick by mistake. Now after figuring out how bad this could be and the headache this could actually cause i decided to go a different way. Lucky a friend had suggested a second option which I probably should have gone with right away.
Peel and Stick Vinyl Tile was the perfect solution, depending on the pattern and color you go with it can look like a countertop. I only needed one box of the vinyl tile to cover my entire counter which was really lucky. It looks absolutely beautiful and gives my counter such a clean fresh look to it now.

The backsplash was a little easier to figure out and deal with, there are so many amazing different styles of peel and stick backsplash. Some are very thin and easy to cut which would make it simple to model with corners or tricky areas within a kitchen. There are also others that are thicker a little heavier which can also be good. I went with the thinner 3D wall style, the light color of the backsplash with the gray tile of the counter actually makes my kitchen look bigger. When the light reflects off of the backsplash it brightens the entire room.

Backsplash: I went with the packages of 10 sheets in each which comes to $37.99 a pack.
Peel and Stick Vinyl Tile: One case has 30 pieces in it and the case is $26.10.
Countertop Peel and Stick: One roll cost $18.99, but this is the product i would not recommend buying.
The total cost for this project comes out to be about $217 give or tax a little with tax.