I’ve always been a big believer that positive words can have so much power to them. Motivational or positive quotes have always been something I like to have around me whether it’s a piece of art or jewelry. Just a little something I can look at when I’m having a rough day and just need a boost.
Of course in the day we live in with social media words can be just as powerful in a negative way as in a positive way. It’s a lesson I am still currently learning, written words whether you mean for them to be used in a positive way for yourself can still cause pain to others. Knowing and understanding how your words can be taken by others in a different light is an acceptance each person needs to realize, hopefully sooner rather than later.
My hope is down the road the positive words will start to outweigh the negative when it comes to what people say and write more so then it currently is in the present day. One company that i completely stand behind has already started the work towards spreading more and more positive words.

There is a local New Jersey business that encourages others to not only be kind to others but also themselves.. Little Words Project is a company I have loved and have been a loyal customer of for years now. Their bracelets are the perfect little gift for a friend who might be going through something and you just want to show you care. They are also a great little reminder to be able to look down at and remember to have strength within yourself or that you are so fierce.
This company has an amazing message and does great things for women, they want to bring people together through kindness and positivity. If someone was interested in supporting a small business this would be one i would say to completely get behind. Words have power, the more positive words there are out in the world the better possibility there is to have more positive outlooks on life.
In the beginning of May l ordered myself a custom bracelet with words I needed to see on the regular bases to help me get through things and remember there is a light at the end of the tunnel. The custom section on their site is amazing because you can make any type of bracelet that will symbolize anything you want. I have some friends who have gotten their kids names which is so sweet and they wear them everyday to work. You may be wondering what I put on my bracelet or you may have been able to guess from the main photo on this post. I put “have faith” on my bracelet, it has so many different types of meanings to me right now, and on my worst day I look at my bracelet and I feel a little better.