I have never been super interested in skin care or what i should be using in the morning, what i should be using at night on my skin. I felt like it was a waste of time and energy, what did it really matter if i had a morning skin care routine compared to a night routine. As long as i was washing my face in the morning and at night shouldn’t that be enough? I used to just wash my face with Dove soup, I always felt like I had really sensitive skin and certain things would cause dryness or issues on my face. I have always struggled with acne, which was always embarrassing thank goodness for makeup at times.
December came around and since i was stuck in a neck brace that i was not allowed to take off at any point in time. Washing my face the regular way was no longer going to happen. This is basically when and how I learned just how important skin care truly is and why you need different types of products.
I started out with a liquid cleanse, something I could use to “waste” my face that was more then at least water. After I figured out a cleanser that worked I discovered how amazing renewal and detox pads really were for my face. I would change up the three products every couple of days just to make sure my skin was not getting too used to anything.
By the time I came out of my neck brace I figured out how amazing skin care really was and learned my lease to why using different types of products is an important thing. My skin has never looked clearer as it does now. A big factor to this was how i was taking care of my skin during my lovely neck brace time.
The three products, with the links:
Skyn Iceland: Micellar Cleansing Water
zO’ Skin Health: Complexion Renewal Pads
Nassif MD Dermaceuticals: Detox Pads