I may be in my thirties but i will always be a disney kid at heart. Disney World has such a special place in my heart, I went there for the first time when I was three and then again as a teenager. However it was not until i was in my thirties when it truly became a special place for me. I went to Disney World in 2017, 2018, & 2019 each year was a little different and each time was special. Going to Disney World has become a tradition for my sister and I, each time we went with different people but we always went together. Disney World has brought us closer together as sisters in a way, the best part was the months leading up to our trip where we sat and planned things out.

I know Disney can be a very expensive vacation but there are so many different tricks to saving and spending when you are there. That will be another blog post though down the line on how to save prior to and at Disney.
I think one of the things I love the most about Disney World, is the feel of the old magic with the new magic. Walt Disney had a dream he turned into reality and even though it’s been many years since that dream started. While changes and improvements have been made since Walt’s vision was put into effect. Even today so many years later there are still glimpses of that old magic when you walk down main street. Disney gives you a chance to remember your youth while making brand new memories all at the same time. Where else do you have a chance to have both of those things at the same time.
Whether you go to Disney with friends or family, whether it’s your first trip or a yearly trip it becomes so special. You live in that moment and everything bad in the world seems to just fade away for however long you happen to be there. It’s on my bucket list to go to Disney Land, hopefully something i can do within the next couple of years.